GPS tracking has become one of the most beneficial and important technological innovations of the past few decades. Advances in cloud-based, communication and telematic technologies have made GPS tracking more prevalent and significant than ever before. Whether you’re tracking a small truck fleet or a large multi-vehicle fleet, GPS tracking systems can help keep your fleet safe and increase efficiency.
Productivity and peace of mind are invaluable benefits available through GPS tracking technology. GPS tracking devices allow fleet managers to track their trucks and vehicles’ locations, speeds, routes and travel times. These data-points are invaluable for improving the cost-effectiveness, reliability and efficiency of your fleet’s supply chain.
The benefits of GPS tracking for fleet operations
There are a wide range of benefits that come with GPS tracking for trucks and vehicles. These extend far beyond real-time geolocating or speed-tracking and into daily operations and productivity. Having an eye on every truck out for delivery and carrying goods offers multiple opportunities to improve vehicle and driver performance and safety.
Here are some of the advantages of GPS tracking as a fleet management tool:
Optimised routes
GPS trackers have allowed fleet operators to access the exact location of their vehicles for many years. A more recent benefit of GPS tracking systems is the provision of route optimisation tools to help fleet operators and drivers find better routes, delivery patterns and post-delivery optimisation opportunities.
Additional advances in cloud-based communication and management tools have allowed fleet managers to monitor the performance of – and make changes to – their driver’s routes, patterns and road behaviours. This allows vehicle fleets to optimise the daily activities of each, individual truck or car as well as their drivers. Evaluating performance trends and collecting actionable data will allow fleet operators to make refinements to optimise their company fleet wide.
Improved safety and security
Having a fleet wide GPS tracking solution can help to increase the safety and security of all drivers and trucks in that fleet. If a vehicle goes missing, a driver is driving erratically or a truck is moving when it shouldn’t, GPS tracking will help you locate and track that vehicle to ensure that it’s returned safely. Some truck GPS systems even allow you to set a predetermined area where a truck should be located during off hours. Combining a GPS tracking system with other vehicle telematic technologies can ensure that your fleet will always be safe and secure.
Better customer service
If you are running a small or large vehicle fleet, you’re most likely involved in some kind of delivery service or a part of a larger supply chain. Whether your fleet serves as an end-to-end solution or delivers products directly to businesses or people’s homes, your customers and partners will appreciate convenience and good service. GPS tracking is what makes order tracking and ETAs possible.
Having the exact location of your delivery vehicles improves customer service while making fleet management, route optimisation and B2C communication easier. Thanks to cloud-based apps, URLs to geolocation tools can be sent out to customers, partners, managers and other stakeholders, the entire supply chain is able to move more cohesively and efficiently move goods.
Reduced costs
As discussed, GPS tracking systems offer a wide range of benefits that can help improve the efficiency of your vehicle fleet. Whether you’re reducing fuel costs and improving fuel management or making more strategic delivery vehicle dispatches and optimising all of your truck fleet routes, GPS tracking can help slash the cost of running a vehicle fleet at any scale.
Real-time vehicle monitoring and tracking provides fleet managers with multiple opportunities to create a more cost-effective and safer decision-making process. With the increased visibility into your fleet’s operations and access to actionable insights, fleet companies can use GPS tracking to make more impactful decisions that could benefit every aspect of the business, its productivity and profit margins.
Key Takeaways
GPS tracking serves as an invaluable and multidimensional tool for improving a variety of fleet management and operating processes. GPS tracking solutions have come a long way in recent years and modern devices can help geolocate vehicles in real time, as well as identify optimal routes and dispatching schedules, reducing costs and improving fleet wide security. Truck and vehicle fleet companies have the opportunity to become the most cost-effective, reliable and efficient version of themselves.
For complete fleet management and reporting solutions, get in touch with Landmark Tracking and learn how we can help optimise your vehicle fleet.